Sunday, June 15, 2014

Your Secret Agreement

Agreement -
Divine Order

Can you imagine “Life” would be like if there were no agreements?

Your “Life” would be left to chance and chaos. Everyone would be fighting to fulfill their own agenda.  Your world would destroy itself. There would be no love, joy, and peace, only pain and suffering.
What is your experience? Do you feel like you have been forced to make agreements or are the agreements you made been a choice of freewill?
Are you a victim to the world around you? Or are you free to make the choices you desire?
The answer to these questions lie within this one question….Who am I?
"When you know who you are….everything changes."
Behind what appears to be total chaos is complete divine order. Both the invisible and the visible worlds are connected and governed by the Spirit of God. Your purpose is to remember who you are and to fulfill your agreements.  All of your gifts, talents, strengths and your agreements have been made a part of the purposes of God. They are programmed into the DNA of your soul waiting for you to awaken and discover them.

There are Universal Laws which have been set into place to help you achieve your mission.

You may have heard of the law of attraction. It is one of the many laws which you will learn to use to help you fulfill your agreement.

When we align ourselves with our agreements every thing, every event, every person plays a role in helping us fulfill our mission.

Within your agreement you have included the help of others.  You have made agreements
with your soul mates to help fulfill each others mission.

You even chose your parents and the rest of your family and they chose you.

Life is just like a movie. The actors have been chosen and a plot with the perfect ending has been agreed upon. 

So enjoy your movie.

"Where am I? Who am I?

How did I come to be here?

What is this thing called the world?

How did I come into the world?

Why was I not consulted?

And if I am compelled to take part in it,

Where is the director?

I want to see him."

—Soren Kierkegaard, a Danish Philosopher, theologian from the mid-1800's.

Where Did You Come From?

I have always known I am the son of my father and mother.....they have papers to prove it and the photos. As I grow older I see my parents in the way I look and in my behavior.

BUT I now know my existence here on earth did not begin at my birth.....I have awakened to a Higher Self who's beginning was long before my earthly birth.
You ask, "How do you come to know your Higher Self?"
It began when I notice I was observing my own behavior.
Who was this observer?
It was ME watching myself acting out my feelings and my emotions. I was watching me and how I reacted to a every situation or someone's comments towards me.
I noticed my compulsions, my habits, my anger and frustrations. I noticed when I appeared to be out of control of my own behavior. I did not like what I was seeing.
It appeared as though there was a battle going on inside of me. Someone was trying to control me. Later I found out that the "Someone" was my ego and my Higher Self was observing its control and I was no longer agreeing with my ego's behavior.
It was during this period of Self Discovery I began to understand I had two parts to my ego and my Higher Self. As I begin to listen to the voice of my Higher
Self I begin to understand what it was and how I could learn to separate myself from my ego.
I am NOT saying the ego is bad for it has served me well BUT it was time for me to free myself from its control.
God was speaking to me through my Higher Self and for the first time in my life I now had control over my ego.
I no longer desired to listen to my ego but rather the voice of God. God spoke to me words of love and peace. My ego wanted to keep me separated From God, Spirit and anyone else.
Everything my ego was feeding me was based upon FEAR not love. Oh it loves its self and it will do everything it can to protect itself but this is not real love. It is selfish, greedy and wanting to be in control at all times.
Once I began to let go of my attachment toward my ego my Higher Self was revealing to me my true Self and where I came from. For I am not my ego or my flesh. I am from Spirit.
I am a child of God. I came from God. I belong to God. I am connecting with God here on earth while in my fleshly body. It is a mystery.
God is working through me. I now experience the Spirit of God using me to love and help serve others.
He is revealing to me the agreements I made before I came to into the physical.
I am yet to understand it all but it becomes clearer as I continue to raise my consciousness and let go of my ego's control over me.
This is the beginning of understanding who you are?
This is the beginning of understanding your secret agreements made in heaven long before you came to earth.
It is now your assignment to discover your agreements and fulfill them.
Do you know where you came from?
Have you awakened? Do you know who you are?

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